Pretty things make me happy. How about you?

s t e p _ o n e

F I N D   A P P   I C O N S
The first thing you will do is figure out what app icons you want for your screen. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to get a premade bundle that are ready to go! You can search “app icons” on Etsy -or-

After you purchase them, download them to your phone and store in photos or the files app, either one works!

Here is the set I purchased: minimal aesthetic bundle

s t e p _ t w o

U S I N G   S H O R T C U T S   A P P
We are going to use the Shortcuts app to make the app icon pretty for our home screen. The Shortcuts app can be used to do lots of different things. I will show you a few, but these next instructions will be solely for opening an app.

  1. Open Shortcuts app
  2. Tap the + in the upper right
  3. Tap the button [+ Add Action]
  4. Type open app in the search bar then tap that option
  5. Tap [Choose]
  6. Tap the app you would like to shortcut
  7. Tap the ••• button
  8. Name the shortcut (although, for this step, it doesn’t really matter what you type)
  9. Tap [Add to Home Screen]
  10. Type the name you want to see on your home screen here
  11. Tap the pic icon to change the cover pic
  12. Find where you have your photo file saved and select the one you would like
  13. Tap [Add]
  14. Tap [Done]

You can also use the Shortcuts app to do other things… here are a couple other helpful ideas.

  1. Open Shortcuts app
  2. Tap the + in the upper right
  3. Tap the button [+ Add Action]
  4. Instead of typing open app here, you can choose to text someone under Send Message -or- you can flip an alarm on/off under Toggle Alarm.. just play around with it and figure out what is most helpful to you! 
  5. Go to step 7 above to finish up! 

s t e p _ t h r e e

U S I N G   W I D G E T S M I T H   A P P
This is how you will create spots for pics or word graphics on your home screen.

  1. Open Widgetsmith
  2. Create the small/medium/large widgets that you want to put on your screen by tapping Add Widget under the corresponding section
  3. Exit the app
  4. Tap and hold on the homescreen that you want to add the widget to
  5. Tap the + in the upper right hand corner
  6. Choose one that you see -or- scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on Widgetsmith
  7. Choose the size you want to add
  8. Tap [+ Add Widget]
  9. Tap the widget to change the design 
  10. Tap the widget name to the right to select a different design
  11. Exit app
  12. Tap [Done] in upper right

disclaimer: this isn't an amazing use of your precious time! haha! but if you need a mind numbing activity to help your brain chill one night.. here's something you can do!

Happy creating!!
